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Absolutely NO cost or obligation to the university, ever. We consider the content of the interview editorial and therefore welcome your contribution.

International Audience

Speak to students from all over the United States and even other countries such as Canada, Asia, India and the United Kingdom to name a few.

Brand Awareness

Increased brand awareness of your school & programs. Whether your college and program are well established online or just ramping up, we can help extend your brands reach to the next level.

Link to Your Content

New potential students and visitors via a direct link to your website. Within each interview you’ll have the ability to include links to key sections of your website to direct the reader into specific details about a degree, requirement or accolade.

Simple Question List

The list of questions range from 8-10 and is just the right amount for your college to address all the key aspects of your degree program.

Additional Promotion

All new interviewee’s are featured on our homepage and left navigation for a fixed period of time to maximize awareness.

The Ohio State University MBA Interview

Max M. Fisher College of Business


Sarah Campbell

Assistant Director of MBA Recruiting and Admissions

Read the Interview

Penn State University Online MBA Interview

Smeal College of Business


Stacey Dorang Peeler

Managing Director, Penn State Online MBA

Read the Interview

Eastern Oregon University MBA Interview

College of Business and Education


Danny Ray Mielke; Ed.D., MPH, MCHES

Dean, Colleges of Business and Education

Read the Interview

University of Arkansas Business Degree Interview

Sam M. Walton College of Business


Katie Pounders

Assistant Director for Online Programs

Read the Interview

Kettering University Online Management Interview

School of Management


Dr. Christine M. Wallace

Vice President Kettering Global, Clinical Faculty-School of Management

Read the Interview

"It doesn't matter how many times you have failed, you only have to be right once." - Mark Cuban