25+ Online Courses for Blockchain & Crypto (Updated)

Created by Henry Steele

By Henry Steele - April 25, 2018
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Reading Time: 5 minutes

The blockchain and cryptocurrency job market is exploding. According to Hackernoon, blockchain development has taken the top position as the most in demand programmer skill in the US. Upwork reported at the start of 2018 that blockchain engineering skills were the second most demanded in the labor market.

Coindesk also reports that 2017 was a boom year for blockchain job growth. The online cryptocurrency authority noted at the end of last year that statistics from Indeed.com showed job postings for blockchain-related jobs had increased by 207%.

Even more dramatically, the number of blockchain jobs has shot up 631% since November 2015 according to Anglelist.com.

Also, 15 out of the 18 most popular industry jobs posted on Indeed.com mentioned ‘cryptocurrency’ in the job description. When seen as a percentage of Indeed’s total number of job listings, the blockchain industry as a whole increased from just a few jobs per million to approximately 30 jobs per million. The combination of fast blockchain jobs growth and the growing interest of job seekers in the space is leading to an environment where employers are competing with each other for the best blockchain technical talent.

If you want to get a head start on your programming skills so you can get a job in the hot blockchain and cryptocurrency space, check out the following 27 28 online courses.

  1. Blockchain Fundamentals — (University of California Berkeley) — Developed by Blockchain at Berkeley and faculty from UC Berkeley’s premier Computer Science department, the Blockchain Fundamentals Professional Certificate program is a comprehensive survey of core topics in cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin, and blockchain technology. This program will help you develop the critical skills needed to future-proof your career.
  2. Cryptoeconomics 101 — (BlockGeeks) — Introduces you to the major principles that give blockchain its value. Focuses on core topics in cryptography and economics, and how they work together to creative systems of incentives for blockchain.
  3. Blockchain 101 Intro – Non Technical — (BlockGeeks) — This is an introductory course to blockchain technology. It will show you how transactions are stored in blockchain, how mining works via consensus and the difference between permissioned and permissionless blockchain.
  4. Build a Decentralized Blockchain App — (BlockGeeks) — This introductory course will teach you how to build a decentralized blockchain app with Ethereum.
  5. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies — (Coursera) — This is an introductory course from Coursera that will teach you how Bitcoin works, how secure Bitcoin is, and how anonymous Bitcoin users are.
  6. Blockchain Application Development for Microsoft .NET — (BlockGeeks) — This class teaches how to develop a decentralized application for blockchain on Microsoft Windows using Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code.
  7. Basic Solidity Course — (BlockGeeks) — This course will prepare you to design, manage and construct enduring systems of Smart Contracts that have significant value. It will show essential knowledge and patterns that can be used to design and build a signature system.
  8. The Complete Course on Understanding Blockchain Technology — (Udemy) — This Udemy course will provide the student with a complete understanding of how blockchain works, what the future of the technology is, and how to have conversations with anyone about blockchain technology.
  9. Intro to Bitcoin — (BlockGeeks) — Learn the fundamentals of how Bitcoin works, and the proof of work consensus algorithm that makes such decentralized transactions possible. Learn about public and private keys, transactions, mining, hard foks and segwit.
  10. Intro to Ethereum — (BlockGeeks) — Learn how to write contracts and build Dapps using Ethereum and learn about Solidity and how to build decentralized applications.
  11. Workshop – Tokens on the Blockchain — (BlockGeeks) — Looks at the definition of tokens and understanding what they mean as they relate to blockchain. Focuses on tokens for the Ethereum blockchain and also looks at other token standards such as ERC20.
  12. How Money Stays Stable — (BlockGeeks) — This webinar looks at how money works, and how currency stays stable over long periods of time. It also studies the law of supply and demand and how it determines the quantity and price of goods and services in economies.
  13. Workshop – Smart Contracts 101 — (BlockGeeks) — This webinar studies smart contracts, how they work with the Ethereum blockchain from the architectural level as well as from a practical standpoint.
  14. Workshop — How to Use ERC721 Tokens — (BlockGeeks) — This webinar examines the ERC721 token standard and an example of implementation in the Open Zeppelin library. You will learn what this type of token is and how it differs from the ERC20.
  15. Workshop: Segwit — (BlockGeeks) — This program will walk you through the segregated witness feature of the bitcoin blockchain.
  16. Workshop — Q&A Program’s Smart Contract — (BlockGeeks) — This webinar is a study of Q/A DAPP and how it works with smart contracts.
  17. IBM Blockchain Foundation for Developers — (Coursera) — Several highly experienced IBM blockchain developers will lead the student through several videos that show high level concepts, components and strategies on how to build blockchain business networks.
  18. Blockchain in the Energy Sector — (FutureLearn) — This course studies the disruptive possibilities of blockchain technology in the energy sector. Students will learn how blockchain works and begin to understand the value, background and geopolitical context and how it applies to the energy sector.
  19. Become a Blockchain Developer with Ethereum and Solidity — (Udemy) — This webinar will introduce you to the basic philosophy behind blockchain; how to develop a distributed application and deploy it in production; unit testing and create a user interface. Also, you will learn all of the basic concepts of the Solidity smart contract language.
  20. Ethereum Developer Masterclass – Build Real World Projects — (Udemy) — This course from Udemy will go through the Ethereum development ecosystem in great detail. The student will create and launch their own initial coin offering on the Ethereum blockchain.
  21. Blockchain for Business — (EdX) — An Introduction to Hyperledger Technologies — This course will introduce the power of distributed ledger technologies with a brief overview of Hyperledger and introductions to key frameworks.
  22. Law and Business of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies — (NYU.edu) — This course is offered by the NYU Law School and Stern School of Business. It provides an overview of the complex legal and business issues surrounding the implementation of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in the marketplace.
  23. Innovation and Cryptoventures — (Duke University) — This is a new course from Duke University that helps students to understand disruptive technologies and to assess the implications on how business will be conducted in the future. Much course focus is on the network that is growing behind bitcoin and the many ventures that are capitalizing on it.
  24. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency — (Stanford University) — This lab course from Stanford University focuses on how to build Bitcoin enabled applications. You will learn how to rewire Internet services on the basis of Bitcoin.
  25. Blockchain for Technical Executives and Analysts — (B9lab) — This course is geared to teach technical decision makers and CTOs about the basics of blockchain technologies. It will introduce every that is needed to understand the technology, smart contracts, and the technical and social frameworks that undergird the technology.
  26. The ULTIMATE Bitcoin and Blockchain Course — (Udemy) — This is an introductory course about blockchain, bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. You will understand how to make money through mining cryptocurrencies and the importance of cryptocurrencies in our financial future.
  27. Learn Bitcoin and Ethereum — (OneMonth) — This is one of the top self-paced online cryptocurrency courses today. You will learn how to get started with investing in Bitcoin, Ethereum and blockchain. You will learn how to send and receive Bitcoin, as well as how to set up a Trezor for cold wallet security. 


Henry Steele
Managing Editor
Henry is Managing Editor of BusinessStudent.com. He is a seasoned business professional who regularly consults with local business's throughout Southern California. Henry pursued his undergrad in Business and Economics at the University of San Diego and gained valuable life changing experience through a unique internship upon graduation.

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