9 Podcasts Every MBA Student Should Be Listening To Now!

Created by Henry Steele

By Henry Steele - November 22, 2017
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Squeeze learning into every spare minute with these must-listen business podcasts.

We all know that we spend too much time in front of our screens. And for MBA students with a whole heap of books, case studies, and journals to get through, there’s even more reason to spend hours staring at your laptop or phone.

But here’s the good news: for those of you looking to rest your tired eyes (while continuing to expand your minds), there’s a whole host of engaging and inspiring podcasts you can sit back and listen to wherever and whenever you have a moment to spare .

We’ve rounded up our top nine here, so grab yourself some earbuds for an on-the-go injection of business wisdom, whether you’re in your car, at the gym, or just looking to escape your screens for a few minutes.

1. Entrepreneur on Fire

Hosted by John Lee Dumas, Entrepreneur on Fire’s popularity amongst business-savvy listeners has made it one of iTunes’ top ranked podcasts. With a fresh podcast published every weekday, you can listen to a wide range of interviews with big name entrepreneurs like Tony Robbins, Seth Godin, Barbara Corcoran and more. Visit.

2. HBR Ideascast

Every Thursday the Harvard Business Review releases its HBR Ideacast. Each episode contains an interview with a business expert, from entrepreneurs and researchers, to CEOs and journalists. The conversations last around 15 minutes – the perfect amount of time to savor a cup of coffee while you shove a little more business knowledge into your brain. And if you want to check back on any content, you can access transcripts for free online. Visit

3. The $100 MBA Show

Winner of an iTunes ‘Best of 2014 podcast’ award, the $100 MBA Show is a daily podcast that prides itself on sharing straight-talking ‘no fluff’ business lessons from industry experts in tech, marketing, and entrepreneurship. Content is brought to you by host Omar Zenhom who has declared himself, “on a mission to revolutionize business education forever.” Visit

4. Marketing Smart

A weekly podcast, lasting around 30 minutes, this is a must-listen for any MBA student who’s interested in the world of marketing. Hosted by MarketingProfs, a leading marketing blog, Marketing Smarts aims to deliver practical, actionable insights and offer “real advice to help you market smarter.” Visit/a>

5. Knowledge@Wharton

Produced by the prestigious Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Knowledge@Wharton offers up interviews with industry leaders as well as Wharton professors. Topics range from the theoretical (including “Why Leaders Are Made, Not Born”) to the practical (including “How to Build Trust and Lead Effectively”), and each interview comes in at around the 20 minute mark. Visit

6. Marketing Over Coffee

Marketing Over Coffee does exactly what it says on the tin: hosts John J. Wall and Christopher S. Penn head to a local coffee shop every Thursday morning and talk all things marketing and answer questions from listeners. With podcasts spanning topics on everything from SEO to the more traditional offline channels, this one is well worth a listen. You can even join in and pour yourself a cup while you listen. Visit

7. StartUp

Everything you always wanted to know about startups, but were afraid to ask, StartUp is unafraid to talk about what it truly takes to turn your entrepreneurial dream into a reality. Season one focuses on StartUp founder Alex Blumberg’s turbulent journey launching the collective behind the podcast (Gimlet). Season two tells the story of struggling dating site Dating Ring, and in this latest third season, founders share their toughest times in launching their businesses. Straight talk at its best. Visit

8. TEDTalks Business

Yep, these guys again. While TED talks remain a ‘must-watch’ for anyone interested in, well, pretty much anything, anywhere, their business podcast offers more specialized business insight from some of the greatest innovators, entrepreneurs, and researchers on the planet. It makes for inspiring listening for any MBA student looking to close her eyes and open her mind. Visit

9. The Tim Ferriss Show

Some might argue we’ve saved the best for last – yes, it’s the Tim Ferriss Show – the number one business podcast on all of iTunes, and the first to pass the 100 million downloads mark. In each episode Tim Ferriss, author of 4-Hour Workweek and other bestsellers, talks to those at the top their game across a weird and wonderful mix of industries, from actor Edward Norton to LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, and then proceeds to deconstruct just what it is that makes them extraordinary. The result is tactics, tools, and routines his listeners can use to conquer life, as well as business. Visit

So there you have it – an audio smorgasbord from which to pick and choose some tasty nuggets of business wisdom. By supplementing a healthy dose of reading with some regular podcast sessions, you can avoid screen fatigue, squeeze even more learning into your insane schedule, and even store up some interesting conversation starters for your next networking event.

Do you have any must-listen podcasts we’ve missed that you’d add to the list?

Henry Steele
Managing Editor
Henry is Managing Editor of BusinessStudent.com. He is a seasoned business professional who regularly consults with local business's throughout Southern California. Henry pursued his undergrad in Business and Economics at the University of San Diego and gained valuable life changing experience through a unique internship upon graduation.

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