The Top 10 Business Graduate Certificates for 2022

Written by Sam Medley

By Sam Medley - October 10, 2022
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Reading Time: 6 minutes

female business professional

By Scott Wilson

Business graduate certificate programs offer business students a fast-track to the career path of their dreams without the full financial and time commitment required to earn a master’s degree.

Certificate programs aren’t always a substitute for earning an MBA or other master’s in business. In some cases, there are jobs that still require an advanced degree as a basic qualification.

But there are a lot of in-between cases that only call for the knowledge and not the degree, so a focused slice of advanced training through a graduate certificate program could be exactly what you need. Or you may have a master’s already but realize that you want to switch specialties into an area you didn’t fully cover in your advanced studies.

Graduate certificate programs are tailor made to fit into those gaps.

Taking only a few weeks or months to complete, graduate certificates often consist of the exact same coursework you would find in a master’s program, but laser-focused on a specific subject.

Of course, that also makes them a lot more affordable than a full MBA. And since most are aimed directly at professionals who are building out their skill sets while still on the job, you’ll often find them offered in convenient online formats that give you more control over when and how to study. Others are available as part-time studies, stretching things out to keep your workload manageable.

While you can find graduate certificates that fit into almost any in-demand niche in the business world, there are always going to be some that are hotter than others. Today, we think these are the top 10 types of business graduate certificates available to super-charge your career.

1. Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain Management

supply chain managementSupply chain optimizations have long been the secret weapon when it comes to business efficiency and customer satisfaction in all kinds of industries. It took COVID-19 to make that clear to people outside the industry, though, as the cracks in the system left store shelves short of toilet paper and factories resting idle while they waited for key components to come in.

So right now is the time to boost your supply chain management knowledge and skills with a post-bachelor’s certificate program. Hiring managers in every industry are tuned in to resumes with this valuable training, and even executives without direct responsibility for supply chain operations can make better decisions with a better understanding of SCM.

2. Graduate Certificate in Advanced Management

advanced managementManagement is itself an under-appreciated skill, sometimes even within the business community! Whether you are a graduate with a bachelor’s degree in business administration or in some other professional field, you can always benefit from additional education in advanced management skills.

Advanced management post-bachelor’s certificates deliver courses in strategic analysis and decision making, communication principles, and the kind of leadership techniques that can help you climb the ladder to executive positions in any type of business.

3. Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Business Venturing

entrepreneurshiopYou don’t have to be striking out on your own for extra education in business venturing and entrepreneurship to come in handy. It’s true that a post-bachelor’s business venturing certificate can prepare you with all the complex considerations you must master to launch your own new startup. But they also help executives and managers in established businesses in fostering the kind of innovative, aggressive, entrepreneurial mindset that helps win new business or expand market share.

4. Graduate Certificate in Advanced Business Analytics and Leadership

advanced business analyticsThe business world has been completely revolutionized by the emergence of data science technology. Allowing the collection, collation, and analysis of all kinds of information, these tools and techniques offer unprecedented visibility into business operations.

Managers who master both the advanced concepts of business analytics and the skills to manage data science teams by way of a post-bachelor’s advanced business analytics certificate have a huge leg up in every industry to stay ahead of the competition.

5. Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Analytics and Management

human resource managementJust as technology has become a key strategic differentiator for companies in every industry, finding the right people to run it has become enormously important. As the leverage of high-talent individuals increases through high-tech, every manager needs to be well-versed in the new methods of assessing, compensating, and motivating staff.

Graduate certificates in HR analytics and management offer insights into new techniques and technologies used to keep companies ultra-competitive in recruiting and retaining top candidates in their industries.

6. Graduate Certificate in Executive Healthcare Management

executive healthcare managementThe American healthcare industry has been in turmoil for the past few years as it goes through the after-effects and long-term hangover of the COVID-19 pandemic. A combination of enormous turnover rates with high demand has created big opportunities for advancement.

Post-bachelor’s certificates in executive healthcare management are aimed at clinicians and other workers in the healthcare industry who need solid business management education in order to advance into executive leadership positions in a growing industry.

7. Graduate Certificate in Strategic Selling and Sales Leadership

sales leadershipBusinesses of every kind rely on sales to stay in business. No matter what your service or product, getting customers of every kind to choose it over the alternatives is key. So graduate certificates in strategic selling and sales management offer expert-level training in how to integrate sales and operational strategy, as well as overseeing and motivating a sales workforce. It’s a valuable addition to your skills whether you plan to fill sales-focused roles or are headed for the C-suite.

8. Graduate Certificate in Internet Marketing

internet marketingThe internet has changed almost everything about modern business, but maybe nothing more than how companies market themselves. Social media, mobile devices that always keep marketing messages in front of consumers, and the unique ability to target precisely the right audience are all transforming how consumers get the word about new products and services.

If you want to be on top of the latest trends and technologies, a graduate certificate in internet marketing focused on this hot subject area is one of the best ways to get there.

9. Graduate Certificate in Data Science

data scienceBehind all the other applications of analytics and Big Data in modern business is the field of data science. Pure data science training offers serious foundations for the use and management of quantitative analytics in almost any application: supply chain management, marketing, operations, you name it.

So a graduate certificate in data science to build out your skills in this area can make you a competent manager and insightful strategist when it comes to the power of data science.

10. Graduate Certificate in Non-profit Management

non-profit managementBusiness for profit is the kind of business that most degrees are aimed at. But non-profit corporations are a calling as much as a career. If that’s where your personal ambitions rest, then you may need to build on your bachelor’s in business with some specialized studies in non-profit management.

A certificate program in non-profit management offers advanced training in the special needs and concerns of the non-profit manager, from recruiting, to fund-raising, to financial reporting considerations.

No matter what kind of career you are building, a graduate certificate can deliver a focused shot of extra expertise that will boost it to the next level. With a low commitment requirement in terms of both time and money, any of these certificates offer a fast and affordable way to skill up for the next stage of your career.

Sam Medley
Sam is a freelance writer with a passion for learning about any and everything he can. When not reading or writing, he can be found helping his wife tend to the bees, ducks, chickens, and plants that populate their little Kentucky homestead.

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